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Writer's picture: Jakub StadnikJakub Stadnik

Updated: May 28, 2021

Oh, inspiration… It's a beautiful thing which leads your mind into a fascinating state. This is the best way of birth of the ideas. You can find inspiration everywhere and we will discuss how to do that. When your inspiration is really intensive, you can reach the next level of mentality. Nothing else matters, only you and your thoughts. This article is about common inspirations (big and small) and their uncommon impact on your mind.

How to get inspired?

Inspiration can come from everywhere. It depends on your approach or the way how it was presented to you. There are no limitations about the sources of inspiration. However, there are a few stimulants which are especially stimulating. We’ve made a small research so you can find the best way for you to get inspired. First, please read the article, so you can discover its real potential.

But what for? What do we need inspirations for?

It's a starting point to create something unique. It's an impulse for an action. When you want to create something (write, compose, draw, paint, say) you use your knowledge or you look for inspiration. You can create anything, but when you're inspired then you create like a genius. Real inspiration can cause you to spend a whole day on one huge task, or to strive to your goals for years. When you feel inspired it’s never a wasted time, because it's a true passion.

Small inspirations

They are based on the feelings when you think: ‘wow’. Like ‘wow, this is interesting’, ‘wow, that’s nice’, or ‘wow, not a bad idea’. It's a common situation if you pay enough attention to the world. It can be caused by an ingenious object, in which someone put some effort. Not everyone feels the same way about each thing, that’s why we encourage you to find your own fascinations.

There is one dangerous thing about inspirations. When you look for them, instead of giving you new ideas, they can consume your time and leave you frustrated with nothing. The problem about them is that they are infinite, so you can look for new ones endlessly. For example, when you look for inspiration on the Internet, you browse thousands of ideas, and often after a few hours you can't find anything appropriate. To prevent such a situation, think that the inspiration that you’re looking for is not somewhere else, is already here, you just need to pay enough attention to it. Instead of looking for more, establish yourself a limit and find the best ideas from just a few sources, or even one. It’s a very good mind exercise, when you deep into something actively thinking, instead of thoughtlessly rejecting almost everything you have seen. The genius idea is not somewhere else, it is almost everywhere when you look deeply enough.

When you find a small inspiration take care of it. In our everyday life most of us are too busy to be inspired. Even when we feel it, we are immediately disrupted by something else. So document them! In your notebook, sketchbook, phone, anywhere. Just keep it in one safe place so that you can later go back to this inspiring place. Everyone has responsibilities, things to do. It's understandable, but this is just a trivial life. Why should it be more important than something that has the potential to change your life? Why don't you allow yourself to be inspired.

In the next paragraph I will discuss ,,big inspirations’’. There is one difference between them and small inspirations is one. It is how you approach the inspiration, thus what impact it will cause. It doesn't depend on what it is, but what you will do with it. Yeah, you can say ‘ a book is more inspiring than a vegetable’. In every case, I will respond ‘not necessarily’ (check me in comments haters). You can read a book or burn it, and you can love it or say that it’s boring. You can eat a vegetable or study its construction, and you can say that it is fascinating or also boring. Some things are just more interesting on the first glimpse. Depending on your approach, it can have a small impact on you (small inspirations) or big one (big inspirations).

Big inspirations

Mmmmmm, these are real goodies. They are much rarer, because if the thing that causes them is not interesting at the beginning, you have to put more effort to find them. On the other hand, if the thing is interesting enough to bring your attention immediately, it is very hard to create such a thing. But it is totally worth the effort!

When you find a big inspiration it has a big impact as well. It is hard to resist its power, and this thing leads humanity. Unfortunately (or fortunately) not everyone is aware of that. It can make the individual to be highly determined and motivated to do something. It has the power to really change the direction of your or someone’s life. In a big perspective, it can force to act groups, societies, even nations.

Your brain absorbs big inspirations, consciously and unconsciously. That is why it is important to be aware of that fact and use it wisely. It is true that with great power comes great responsibility. But when great people meet with big inspirations, they would use it as stairs. So, use your critical thinking to make ‘good’ choices about them.

Remember, you don’t have to wait until inspiration will come, you can induce it. All you need is to pay attention to it and know where to find it. The first one completely depends on you, but we can help you with the second one, we’ve created a separate page devoted to inspirations. You will find them lists of music, books, artworks, apps etc. which in our opinion are highly inspiring. Before you go there, discover the last and most important part of this article.

Warning, when I was analysing what I have written, it sounds like the state after taking drugs or like a religious illumination. Maybe it is similar, but this is not what I meant.

High state of inspiration

It’s one of the best things that can happen to you in your whole life. For a moment you are above the trivial life. No fears, no desires, no limitations. You experience in your body this awesome feeling of complete satisfaction. It is better than any other feeling. Not everyone experienced it. We hope that after reading this article you will learn that, and hopefully you will do it more than once.

In the state of high inspiration brilliant ideas are born, they’re shaping much faster and they’re better than any others. Your brain becomes a bomb of amazing ideas or factory of energy. You suddenly believe that you can win the olympic games, create the greatest masterpiece ever, conquer the world. Inspiration makes you take risk, make an initiative. You're no longer passive, but it pushes you to action. Let yourself initiate a change.

It is not permanent. After that, you go back to reality. That is good, you will get to know why, but first let me tell you something. Instead of focusing on the fact that it passed, we propose you to think ‘’wow, that was awesome’’. Stay with your mindset similar to what you felt, instead of changing it and moving away from something that gave you so much inspiration. As I mentioned, you're coming back to reality. It is very useful, because for a moment you forgot about everything. Now you're back with your limitations. And this is a very important moment, because it makes you aware what limits you. By knowing that, you have to decide, are you going to live the same as you lived, or are you going to change it. Many people think that limitations are something they can’t deal with. If you are one of them, and you haven't already found the solution, maybe do it in the next state of high inspiration. If you’re not, just realise your idea!

At the end I will share with you my advice, to understand how you can make the most of it. This is the state when you feel like more than just a human. Extend it! Use it for the most important things in your life! I indicate myself into the state of high inspiration when I create and when I need to come up with something. Also, only in this state, I make my life decisions. It is like a jump. Jump above everything, that shades your vision. For a moment you’re above the clouds and you know where your star is. You land on the ground, and you hold your brilliant idea, you hold your masterpiece, you know the direction and you know what you want to do in your life.


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