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Szymon Hrydziuszko
Aug 31, 2022
In Creative stories of geniuses🤯
On Wikipedia we can read about the story behind a popular webcomic and also future animated series Lackadaisy. Tracy J. Butler, studied biology for a year in Massachusetts, but later she decided to go back to her art career. She created a website with some of her work, which led to a job offer from Simutronics, a Missouri game development company. Tracy performed illustration and graphic design work before moving into 3D character design and animation. After living in St. Louis for some time, she purchased a 100-year-old house. She was fascinated by it, and began researching its history, as well as that of the local neighborhood, and ultimately the history of St. Louis itself. Tracy started studying 1920's as a hobby which led to many ideas and inspiration, and combined with her interest in jazz music, plus the characters she had designed in school, this led her to create the Lackadaisy series in July 2006. Today, after many years of collecting fans, artists, ups and downs, her webcomic story will be turned into animated series on youtube, and many great names are taking part in it, like Michael Kovach, who will be a voice of Rocky, the main character, or SungWon Cho aka ProZD, as Mordechai Heller.
How fascination over 100 year old house led to creation of Lackadaisy Webcomic. content media
Szymon Hrydziuszko
Aug 14, 2022
In Creative stories of geniuses🤯
Stan Lee, the creator of Marvel Comics, many pop culture characters and a Legend in comic community, once told a story. ,,So my publisher came to me and said: "Stan I want you to come up with another superhero!" So I said okay, you know went home, and I saw a fly crawling on a wall, and I said: "hey if I can get a superhero that could stick to walls and crawl on them, man that would be cool! So...I thought that was good, now I needed a name. So I go well let's see... ''Fly-man"?, ''Mosquito-Man"? I got down to ''Spider-Man". SPIDER-MAN! It just sounded dramatic! So okay I had my hero, I had his power, his name. And then I figured, just for fun, I'm gonna give him personal problems. Then I thought I'd make him a teenager! Cause, there were no teenager superheroes that I knew of at the time. So armed with all of that wonderful material, those great ideas, I ran into my publisher's office and I told him. This, was my reaction, the reaction he gave me: ''Stan...that is the worst idea I have ever heard. First of all, people hate spiders! So you can't call a hero Spider-Man. You want him to be a teenager?! Teenagers can only be sidekicks! And you want him to have a personal problems?! Stan, don't you know that a superhero is? They don't have personal problems!'' Well, I left the office, disappointed but obviously a much wiser man. And I couldn't get Spider-Man out of my system. So, we were about to "kill" a magazine, I think it was called "Amazing Fantasy" Just to get it out of my system, I put Spider-Man in Amazing Fantasy, featured him on the cover. Forgot about it. A month later all the sales figures came in. My publisher came came racing in to my office: ''Stan, Stan! You remember that character we both loved so much Spider-Man?! Let's do 'em as a series! Now, why am I telling you this? IF YOU HAVE AN IDEA THAT YOU GENUINELY THINK IS GOOD, DON'T LET SOME IDIOT TALK YOU OUT OF IT.-Stan Lee
How Spider Man was created content media
Szymon Hrydziuszko
Jun 17, 2022
In Books and articles 🌱
Climate Change is a serious problem, but it's not inevitable. Our protests, words, education is paying off, it's a spark of hope, that WE will make a diffrence
Climate Change 2021-Good News content media
Szymon Hrydziuszko
Jun 17, 2022
In Short stories & facts 🌱
Just watch it, I hope it will make you understand what could happen if we don't take action as fast as possible
Szymon Hrydziuszko
Apr 11, 2022
In this post, I'll give you some references for artist's worst nightmare...💀HANDS💀
 content media
Szymon Hrydziuszko
Apr 11, 2022
Here's some references for dynamic poses, use them wisely! 😁  content media
Szymon Hrydziuszko
Mar 11, 2022
In Creative games 🎮
Detroit: Become Human is a 2018 adventure video game developed by Quantic Dream. The plot set in near future, it follows story of three androids:human looking robots, named Connor, Kara and Markus. Each character faces diffrent problems on their path, and have diffrent goals, but it's up to player how their stories will go. The game gives us many moral decisions and philosophical questions about equality, cruelty, what it means to be a human and most importantly, what it means to be alive, fate of thousands of both humans and androids are at stake...
Detroit: Become Human content media
Szymon Hrydziuszko
Mar 11, 2022
In Art 🎨
Ki Hyun Ryu is a proffesional concept arist who helped with animation and character design for early episodes of Avatar: The last Airbender and directed season 1 of Legend of Korra. He has also worked as a character designer and supervising producer across all four books. Without him, we probably would never see these two masterpieces of animation. His unique style and proffesionalism is something I look up to.
Modern artists#2: Ki Hyun Ryu content media
Szymon Hrydziuszko
Feb 22, 2022
In Other 🚀
I'll go first: I decorate my room with pictures of my latest drawings, so that I can look at them and see mistakes in them, so I'll know what to avoid next, each time I put on a wall a new picutre of a drawing, and throw out the old one, I can see the progress I've made (won't show you...yet)
Do you know any creative ways to decorate a room? content media
Szymon Hrydziuszko
Feb 22, 2022
In Chill and fun 🏝️
I'll go first! Here's a Master Mirror Main Menu Music from Gwent: The Witcher Card Game
What are your favourite movie/game soundtracks?  content media
Szymon Hrydziuszko
Feb 17, 2022
In Digital artists 🖥️
Hi everyone! I’d love to present to you Vivienne Medrano aka Vivziepop! Vivienne is the creator of dozens of webcomic pages, hundreds of amazing colorful characters, the woman behind 2 famous animated series,but most importantly, creator of my passion for digital art. Graduate of School of Visual Arts in NY, her art and animations are full of amazing colors, flow, emotions! Her shows(not for kids though!) are full of bad words, tears of joy and grief, love and sinners! Stuff she made: 😈Hazbin Hotel😈(watch on Youtube, will be soon on TV): a story about the Princess of Hell who wants peace for all sinners. 👹Helluva Boss👹(watch on Youtube): about adventures of Blitzo, the boss of Immidiate Murder Professionals, a team of devillish Imp mercenaries from Hell! 🐾Zoophobia🐾(this one is actually for kids too): Beautiful webcomic, following Cameron, who winds up being thrust into Safe Haven, a fantastic world full of incredible beasts, unimaginable beings and many characters. Check out her stuff and get inspired! Tumblr: Yt Channel: Twitter: Check out some photos of her artpieces and screenshots of her shows!
Modern Artists#1: Vivienne Medrano content media
Szymon Hrydziuszko
Jun 08, 2021
When was your previous artblock? How did you dealt with it? content media
Szymon Hrydziuszko
Jun 07, 2021
Which internet content creators are highly creative for you? content media

Szymon Hrydziuszko

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